1:1 Intensive Photography Coaching


Join forces with Crystal for a personalized photography business growth adventure! Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all classes and hello to a tailored mentorship program that zeroes in on your unique needs.

For a full month, Crystal will guide you through an immersive experience, customized to help you grow your business. She'll pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses, then create a roadmap that will lead you to photography success.

Crystal's mentorship program is designed to help you elevate your photography skills, build your brand, and attract more clients. You'll receive personalized coaching and feedback, as well as access to insider industry knowledge and resources.

Through a mix of one-on-one class sessions, live photography sessions, and homework assignments, you'll learn how to refine your style, improve your technique, and market your services effectively. Crystal will also share her own experiences and insights, giving you a glimpse into the world of professional photography.

Whether you're just starting out or looking to take your business to the next level, Crystal's mentorship program is the perfect way to invest in yourself and your future. Don't settle for generic advice or cookie-cutter solutions – join forces with Crystal and unlock your full potential as a photographer!

Intensive Coaching Package: 4 Sessions in One Month, Weekly Check-ins, and Homework Assignments

Enroll in Crystal's coaching program today and take advantage of our comprehensive package.

With four 3-4 hour coaching sessions in one month, you'll receive weekly check-ins to ensure you're on track. Homework assignments will be provided to help build on what you've learned. Plus, you'll get to participate in two live shoots – one at the beginning and one at the end – to monitor your progress and growth.